British Library Women Writers: Keeping Up Appearances

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Uitgeverij: British Library Publishing
Uitvoering: Paperback
Taal: Engels
Staat van het boek: Licht beschadigd
Aantal Pagina's: 256
Afmetingen: 130x190x30
Verschijningsdatum: Maart 2022
EAN: 9780712354011


‘Oh God, one should not go to parties, Daisy sighed, sinking in wan defeat in the melancholy dawn. One should not mingle with others; one should keep oneself to oneself…’ Lying awake after a hotel party on holiday in the Mediterranean, Daisy Simpson reflects on her lacklustre social performance and muses on the impression her confident and graceful half-sister Daphne may have made on the other guests. What is it that makes Daphne, Daphne and Daisy, Daisy? And which of the two will attract the attentions of